Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Well, here we are...

Well, as so many things in my life, great follow through on my part! Wow...two entries before I stopped?? Truely sad. It's been almost a year and my mind is still just as jumbled. Shall we try again? I would like to but I am not making any promises!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Gotta love spring...or not!

Just a quick entry today. I really do enjoy spring, though not as much as the fall. My biggest beef against spring are my lovely allergies. I have had a killer of a migraine since yesterday; it fact I left work early because of it. Oww...

I did manage to work a little bit on my Ravelry account and get some UFOs in there. I guess this forces me to acknowledge I have a little bit of a problem with them. I wonder if Jessica and Casey should start a 12 step group for all of us with UFO issues? Hmmm might have to question them on that one, though I do think that this is a common issue ;)

Well, off to nap. Here's a pict of my fat Jasper. We think he cozies up to the mousey bar a little too often...


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Welcome to my world

Well, here I am, trying out this blogging stuff. I'm not sure why I am doing this since I tend to get overwhelmed easily. Maybe I can delude myself into thinking that this will help me organize my thoughts/life. I just so admire all those blogs out there in cyberspace. The knitting ones are great...funny, entertaining and informative.

I have noticed lately that life seems to be reaching the next level for me. My kids are now older and slowly getting ready to move on to their futures. My son is soon to be 19 and will be a sophomore at University of Pittsburgh. He's in Germany right now and just loving life. I love watching this young man unfold into himself! My daughter, although only 16, has become the ultimate social butterfly now that she has her driver's license. She's rarely home since she also has a job to squeeze in with all those important social obligations. When she is home, she's one of my best friends and supporters. It's amazing to have such a relationship with her. God has truly blessed me with these kids He entrusted to me!

So anyway, dinnertime is actually quiet now (though sometimes, way too quiet) and my husband and I are slowly reconnecting. Boy time has flown. Twenty-three years of marriage and 27 of knowing him. That's more than half my life. Wow, so young! So that's what the next level for me is all about...finding ME!

A good friend of mine has started her list of twenty-five things she wants to do. Not a bucket list or anything...just things for her enlightenment. Stuff like taking guitar lessons, learning how to do her own plumbing. I thought that she has such a great idea with this list. She has lots of them and really gives me an example to live by. Thanks Cindy, you have come so very far in your journey! So I am going to work on my list. Like they say, you're only as old as you let yourself feel...

I am going to work on my list over the next few days. If anyone is actually reading this blog, I would love to hear what might be on your list....knitting or otherwise...
